New York Birds Gallery

Thank you for visiting my gallery of the wild birds of the New York region. It’s not meant to be a complete gallery of New York birds, but is a dynamic photo record of birds I’ve personally observed in the region. All photos are taken by me, Betsy McCully, unless otherwise stated.
I hope my gallery may help you identify some of the birds you find in the New York region. See the New York Birds page for a list of suggested print guides and websites. The gallery will be updated regularly, so check back for more. Also take a look at my New York Birds album on my Flickr site.
If you wish to use my photos, please review my Terms of Use page before contacting me at the email address below.
–Betsy McCully, August 2023
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Birds of Waters, Wetlands, Shores
Wading Birds: egrets, herons, and ibis
Waterfowl: loons, ducks, geese, swans
Seabirds: gulls, terns, and skimmer
Waters, wetlands, shores: raptors and a kingfisher
Waters, wetlands, shores: blackbirds and crow
Waters, wetlands, shores: a flycatcher
Waters, wetlands, shores: sparrows
Waters, wetlands, shores: swallows
Birds of Grassland and Scrub
Blackbird family
Grassland Birds: bunting, dickcissel, lark, sparrows
Grassland Birds: flycatchers
Grassland Birds: game birds
Grassland Birds: raptors
Grassland Birds: crane, egret, sandpipers
Grassland Birds: swallows
Grassland Birds: Mimidae
Grassland Birds: bluebird (thrush family)
Grassland Birds: warblers
Birds of Woodlands and Forests
Woodland Birds: cardinals and allies
Woodland Birds: Mimidae
Woodland Birds: chickadee, nuthatches, titmouse
Woodland Birds: two cuckoos and a dove
The Black-billed Cuckoo (not shown) and Yellow-billed Cuckoo are both breeders in our forests.
Woodland Birds: finches
Woodland Birds: flycatchers
Woodland Birds: gnatcatcher, kinglets
We have two kinglets, the Golden-crowned and the Ruby-crowned.
Woodland Birds: orioles
Our only orioles are the Baltimore and Orchard orioles.